Outside Hitter - Libero - Serving Specialist

Aengus Adams Stats
Height: 6' 1″
Spike Touch: 11'0'
Block Touch: 10' 5"
Standing Reach: 7' 11″
Wingspan: 6′ 1″
Other Physical Testing (RBC training ground):
Standing Vertical Jump: 95.20cm = 37.48in
Height Without Shoes: 182cm = 5’11.65in
Wingspan: 185cm = 6’0.83in
30m Sprint: 4.12s
Strength Test (deadlift): 155kg
Endurance Test (beep test): 11.6

Adams stands out with his buoyant jumping as an attacker and defender with speed and agility.

"Aengus Adams is an incredible athlete and a pleasure to coach. Aengus will not be outworked and is a very dedicated and technically sound player.
Aengus is a quiet leader on the team always leading by example. He is easy to coach and a player that we can put in any and all situations on the floor with success. Aengus has been our Captain the last two years and would be an incredible asset to your team right from the start.''
18U Leaside Coach Jake MacNeil,
CAN Beach Volleyball National Team
"Aengus is a very technical volleyball player with extremely developed intangible skills. He has an incredible work ethic and raises the level of any training session that he is in.
As a player Aengus has strong physical and mental attributes. He understands where to be on the court and always executes the game plan.''
18U Leaside Head Coach Aidan Haslett, Assistant Coach Varsity Blues, University of Toronto